Corona’s Mission to Protect our Beaches – Central Jersey Edition
Central Jersey, specifically Monmouth County, has some of the most picturesque beaches at the Jersey Shore. From Manasquan and Sea Girt, to Sandy Hook, our beaches are something that every local cherishes. Whether you’re a local or someone who moved out of state, but still loves to come visit, we can all list a dozen or more of our favorite memories from going to the beach as kids and adults.
That is why Corona Beer is doing their part to keep our beaches clean. They’ve partnered with Oceanic Global and are on a mission to clean 100 beaches and remove 1 million pounds of plastic from their business and beaches by 2025. As of August 2023, Corona has cleaned 47 beaches and removed over 735,613.61 lbs. of plastic (nearly 3x the weight of the Statue of Liberty!)

Another fantastic way that Corona is protecting our beaches is through their Corona Crusher events. Through a partnership with the Glass Recycling Foundation (GRF), they hope to promote glass recycling at bars and restaurants by providing a unique interactive bottle-crushing experience. After you finish your cold beer, bring your empty bottles to the Corona Crusher machine and watch them turn into sand. This sand is then used to create new bottles, helping to keep glass off our beaches and beyond.

You can also bring your Corona coasters to the event and turn them into wildflowers! The coasters have small seeds in them and once soaked in water, you can then plant them in the flower pots provided at the event to take home and watch them grow.
Crusher events are taking place in Central NJ and many Jersey Shore locations. If you would like to sign up for a beach clean up, visit Corona’s website to find one near you.
#recycle #ChooseGlass #Ad #ProtectOurBeaches